We Believe

"You have all the power within you to create whatever you desire, and I refuse to allow you to believe otherwise "

Dr T. Anderson 

Welcome To Universal Millionaire
The 1 Life Coach and Millionaire Maker

How to Quickly Generate Cash to Attend an Event

Have you at any point of your life desired to attend a function but only to discover you are low on cash? The moment you begin to add up travel expenses, hotel bills, registration, food and fun, even investment money when you sum the total amount of all of these, they can be outrageous right? Well, it suffices to say that as business owners and entrepreneurs, whenever you desire to move to the next level, there’s always a unique price to pay and availing yourself the opportunity of attending a function can turn your business around.

“You have the capacity to genuinely create the kind of wealth you long for, and that wealth is in you, only if you make up your mind today”

When I first started out, I wanted to attend a major conference, but no cash and my prime goal was to be able to manifest the money that would cover the expenses without having to tamper with the little savings already on the ground. Interestingly, it took me just two weeks to generate the money that would cover all the expenses during the function, and so from that moment on, I realized that I had a system that works effectively. So I quickly took steps to write the system down in my journal so that I can always remind myself when I needed to manifest money into my life.

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Right now, I am going to share exactly the things I did that worked for me with the expectation that you would apply the same and get similar results just like I did. I have been using these approaches long before now, whenever I am confronted with not knowing what to do, and the results I get are so immense,

I am Convinced that You would Get Same Results


Dr T. Anderson Ph.D

Universal Millionaire Mindframe

Never say never:

It’s time to step into manifestation; such that when you commit yourself to do the right and tilting towards the right direction, you are sure to get results. Tell yourself you aren’t quitting anytime soon because winners don’t quit and quitters don’t win. So it’s time to say YES to your impossibilities and get ready to attract all that you desire.


Pen down 5 expectations you want to witness at the function:

Who do you really want to meet? Do you intend gaining certain skills set? Do you want to join a program? Pen down what you want to see happen during the function. By taking time painstakingly to plan what will happen when you get there, you commit yourself mentally to being there, and this is capable of bringing you closer to your goal!

Script out the picture:

Try to imagine the entirety of the function in your mind, and then carefully write out the way you see it. But you have to be very descriptive here. Don’t fail to write about the people you came in contact with, the deals you made, the increase that took place including the favor and opportunities that surfaced. In doing this, I can assure you 100% that this action has the tendency to place you right in the mindset of attending the function. By the time you write it out, you will be injecting yourself into that moment and now it will become more real for you.


You can count up the cost:

Try to look up the cost for everything you need, but don’t fail to add to your list anything you will need. Do well to spell out the price for everything. Often times than not, preparing this list gets you discouraged, but you have to keep on. It will cost you nothing to dream! You need to know what you want in order to manifest that income. Just look at the following as research for manifestation! They are gas/plane tickets, food, hotel bill, event registration, investment for materials from the conference and other miscellaneous expenses.

Be determined to pack your bag!

You want to set your intention to attend this function, you need to make up your mind and get set to carry your bag and get going. Remind yourself that nothing is capable of holding you back. Get your bag and get going!!!


Register your attendance at all costs:

There’s no doubt that distraction will come, but you have to ignore. Sometimes, you may receive an invitation to come and speak at an event, or some big opportunity may spring up. At this point what do you do? Don’t get sidetracked, just bear in mind that these things do happen all the time. You have got a goal to meet, so you got to keep your commitment.

Begin to pay for things as money comes in:

Don’t just wait to hit a big jackpot, the money may come in a little slower than you expect. Nevertheless, the more you pay, the more likely you are to finish and show up at the function.


Try to create a success attraction goal card in the course of the trip:

ensure you follow all the instructions, put the pictures on and spell out the affirmation. Put it where you can easily meditate on it often and picture yourself at the function.

Stay receptive to manifestation miracles:

there are one million ways money can manifest for you. It can be given to you or you may have to do some sales to get it whichever way. I crave your indulgence to pen down 40 ways you can generate money. You just have to keep going until you get 40, this will get your mind busy on how you can manifest cash.


Therefore, keep your hopes high as you thoroughly go through this process; when you take these approaches, it endears you to solidify your intentions and accelerate manifestation in your life.

We will be more than glad to see you at one of our events! We are currently on the Prosperity tour reaching out to several cities across America. So, all you need to do it to click here, learn more and grab your seat Right Now!!!

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